Teaching Blog Quote

Quantifying Technology in the Present to Help Students Continuously Evolve towards a Successful Future

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A quick new post to let you know what is new....

     I survived my first semester at BSU.  Okay it really wasn't that bad because I only took ED TECH 202 and it was online.  Looks like I got an A in the class which is awesome!!  Here is the link for my site:
JoAn's Teaching Technology Portfolio Site
     If you find time to look at it and notice any errors like spelling, grammar, links that don't work properly please, please let me know.  There were many late night spent creating it, and I know that my thinking was probably not at its best when it was creating.  :)
     It's summer time and I just started ED-CIFS 201 which is a foundations of education course.  It is a small class which is nice and it is moving at a very quick pace which I like.  I will post more about what I am learning when I have a bit more time.  Until then keep checking back for updates in the exciting world of education.  


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