Teaching Blog Quote

Quantifying Technology in the Present to Help Students Continuously Evolve towards a Successful Future

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ahhh...yes....the joys of summer school

Does this sound about right?

Another quick post to let you know I am enjoying my ED CIFS class on the foundations of education.  I am learning some very cool things.  

Just got done with my own Personal Philosophy of Education, a paper that I will be posting on my portfolio.  I have a group presentation on the role of technology in schools that will be due at the end of this month, that will look awesome on my portfolio as well.  Hopefully I can convince my group to do a power point presentation to go with it.  

This class seems like it's moving so quickly.  It's done next week!!  

Does anyone have any fun Memorial Day weekend plans?  I need a break!

JoAn :)

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