Teaching Blog Quote

Quantifying Technology in the Present to Help Students Continuously Evolve towards a Successful Future

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Currently working on...

It's been a bit since I have posted, but I wanted to let you know that I have been working on somethings lately.  I just completed a lesson plan presentation that you can view on my website.  Click on the link below to check it out:
¡Hay que comer! Curricular Lesson Plan Presentation

I am currently working on a PowerPoint Presentation to help my students review information.  I will be designing an electronic review to be used with a class or given to an individual student as electronic flashcards.  I will post the link once I have completed that.

I am also working on completing my Teaching Technology Portfolio Website for my Final project in Educational Technology 202.  Once that is in top shape I will let you know.

Beyond that I have the Summer Session at BSU starting soon.  I am taking 2 courses, one in Spanish, and the other in ED CIFS.  I will keep everyone posted.  Keep checking in because you never know what cool, new and exciting things I have to share.  Until next post...keep on learning new things!

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