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Friday, May 8, 2015


Tilapia Chimichurri

Chimichurri Sauce/Marinade:

1 bunch of Parsley (I removed only about 2 inches of the stems)

3-4 Green Onion (all of it)

¼ of a red bell pepper (I get RBP and slice it and freeze the slices that I don’t use for future use, so I used like 2 slices of frozen RBP this time)

2 T. Red Wine Vinegar

1 lemon, rind and seeds removed

½ lemon juice only

2 cloves of Garlic (I used the VM to make a paste out of whole bulbs, with out the skins of course, and add a bit of EVOO to it and put it in a glass jar in the refrigerator.  So I used about 2 t. of that) You can use more if you like more or less.

½ t. Oregano (this is a guess)

¼ t. Thyme (this is a guess)

½ t. crushed red pepper flakes (optional, or add more if you like spicier)

1 t. Salt (to your preference)

1 t. Pepper (to your preference)

Olive Oil or Avocado Oil

1lbs of Tilapia?  I am guessing here because I just used 3 fillets of what I bought since only 2 people were eating.

In your Vitamix or High Powered Blender or food processor pulse or blend(VM setting 1-2) the onion, RBP, Vinegar, lemon, Garlic, Oregano, Thyme, RPF, S&P, and about ¼ cup of oil until mostly incorporated and no big chunks.  Then add Parsley and a bit more oil and lemon juice and pulse until the parsley looks chopped up but NOT completely pulverized or blended.  Add some oil and lemon juice to the bottom of a glass jar to store in the frig and add some on top as well.  This should keep for about 2 weeks or so.  The flavors meld the longer it has had a chance to sit.

To prepare lightly brush Tilapia with avocado oil on both sides.  Heat BBQ grill to high heat and cook for  3 min on one side.  Then flip it and add some chimichurri on top and grill for another 3-5 mins.  I like my fish on the medium rare side so if you like it more well done then you should cook it longer.


1 comment:

  1. Made this little creation last night and ohh so good!!!
