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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Catching up with my blog...

     Well I really enjoyed my Spanish Conversation class that I took this summer.  I got a fantastic grade, but I learned a lot about my culture and I can't wait to take another one.  I did my oral presentation on astrology in Spanish which was really out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to do something totally different from what I normally do.  I am working on including it her on this blog but I created it in windows so I am having trouble getting a link on her to show a decent power point.  I will continue to work on this, so if you want to check it out you can.
     I was able to see some short films, but the one I really enjoyed the most was an Uruguayan short film called "El Ojo en la nuca" with one of my favorite actors Gael Garcia Bernal.  I have included the link for the first part of this film below:

We also learned about different Latin American authors, and one of my favorites was Juan Gelman who is an Argentinian author.  His letter to his grandchild was very moving to me and it is entitled "Carta abierta a mi nieto".  His story was terribly tragic, but one I was interested to learn about as it discussed a very terrible political era in Argentina called the Dirty War which lead to the formation of a group called the Mothers of the  Plaza de Mayo.  The history of this time is so interesting to me because of how shocking it was to me that this occurred close to where one of my parents is from.

I also learned about Jaoquin Salvador Lavado also known as Quino who created the cartoon Mafalda.
Here is a cute commentary with Mafalda on YouTube:
I hope to take a Spanish Lit class next semester and I am gearing up for the Praxis exam.  Hope everyone is having a great summer!!

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